Cold Mocha from Burger 'n Boost

Burger 'n Boost boasts some delicious shakes and chocolate drinks. Being a cold coffee drink freak, I decided to try one out, and what better choice than a mocha to judge the quality and taste of the available drinks?

Burger joints in Dhaka seem to only have milkshakes, and that too boring flavors like the basic strawberry/vanilla/chocolate. There are no slightly fancier options usually. Burger 'n Boost, however, tries to keep the American standard "burger, fries and a shake" meal as this is most preferred.

I ordered burgers and fries for myself and my little brother to take home, and ordered this drink to keep me busy while I waited for those to be made and packed up. The Cold Mocha was made on the counter, and I watched as it was being made. They don't keep anything "secret" - meaning you get a clear idea of what you are putting into your body. The person who prepared it put some ice, cocoa powder and Nescafe along with water into a blender, blended for about 5 minutes, and served it topped with cocoa powder. The drink was served in a paper cup (which is good because then I could carry it out with me) covered with plastic. The plastic wasn't flimsy like the lids on Krushers, so it was easy to carry around and not spill the drink.

When I took the first sip, I detected an Ovaltine-like taste. Eventually it started tasting more cocoa-ish. The chocolate flavor was so overwhelming, I could not taste much of the coffee, which should not be the case because it is a mocha after all. This was no standard chocolate drink though - it was thicker, richer and yummier than usual milkshakes and chocolate drinks. Also, the taste was the same till the last drop, which means it was well-blended.

Apart from the absence of much coffee flavor, I really liked this drink and will go back for more when I just don't feel like splurging in Coffee World. For the price, the quality and taste really can't be beat!

Price: Tk 200/-

Rating: 4.5


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